Please Wait Until the Page Is Fully Loaded and Try Again

Frequently Asked Questions

Hither are some common questions regarding site speed issues and GTmetrix usage.

General Site Speed FAQ

1. Why should I be concerned with my site'due south speed?

Your users' feel in terms of navigating your site should be a great reason. Users have many options when information technology comes to consuming content on the net, and a wearisome performing website will frustrate your users, sending them elsewhere. A faster and more responsive website will go along them more engaged and focused on your content, rather than waiting for scripts and images to load.

Another reason is SEO. Google already uses page speed in their ranking algorithm, and plan to contain Page Experience in their ranking algorithm too, through the Web Vitals initiative.

This ways that faster loading sites with a good user experience may rank higher in search engine results. As developers and marketers look to optimize their sites, page speed and folio experience should be amid the top optimizations to consider.

ii. My site loads pretty fast... why should I change it?

It's all nearly efficiency and optimization. Your site may be loading fast, merely information technology could exist faster if yous take some of the best practices into consideration. Y'all might even be able to reduce bandwidth and hosting costs by minimizing your footprint.

Also, your site may be loading fast but a company may not perceive that to be the case. You should understand how your site loads and then that you tin can focus on providing a positive user feel.

3. At present that I take my scores; What exercise I exercise now?

Start optimizing your site! GTmetrix provides explanations for each audit and gives you actionable advice. The audits in the written report are ordered in terms of which ones have the highest impact on your site. Fixing items at the tiptop of the list can accept a bigger bear upon on your overall score.

Make sure you fully understand the audits before you begin though. While many of them are applicable to your site, some are not. The audits are meant to exist generic all-time practices- you don't absolutely need to set up everything. Kickoff by focusing on the Web Vitals.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

4. My server code is optimized. Is this enough?

It'southward a commencement - but the code that really needs to be optimized is the user facing code. Front-end optimization (of CSS, JavaScript, images, HTML, etc) is what'southward going to make the nigh touch on on your users. Frequently we merely concentrate on server side optimizations, making the code as efficient as possible there; but we forget that we tin can get an even bigger increase in performance and improve the folio experience if nosotros optimize the front-terminate code as well.

5. I accept a _______ blazon of site. Why is it asking me to practice X?

The audits are not always relevant to your site (Eg. You do not need a CDN if you're running a small-scale website or blog). This is why information technology's important to truly understand the audits and how they tin affect your site. Not everything will apply to your site.

Visit our audits folio to learn more well-nigh each inspect.

6. I don't have command over X, why is it asking me to gear up it?

Most sites include code for services like ads, analytics or other widgets. These $.25 of code may fetch JavaScript or CSS from other sources. Of course, since you take no control over these resource, there's nothing y'all tin (or need to) practice.

7. Practice I have to gear up everything?

No, not at all! Start with the audits that appear in your Summary Tab. And then motility onto your Structure Tab, where all the audits are ordered by what has the most impact on your score.

Realize that 100% is not realistic, and a light-green score more often than not ways your site functioning is optimized. Remember that these tools are meant to be used for a wide diversity of site types, so some audits may non employ to your site.

8. How much of an bear upon will doing this accept on my search engine ranking?

In full general, there will be an impact; even so, at that place is no definitive answer on how much. Google had made folio speed a ranking factor for websites in 2010, for mobile sites in 2018, and will mark pages as "Fast folio", potentially ranking them higher in search results.

In general, Google is gearing toward a more responsive web to make it "more than delightful" for users across all web browsers and surfaces.

Despite this, Google has made it clear that fifty-fifty though site speed and page experience are of import, they volition proceed to prioritize pages with the best information overall.

Therefore, don't exercise it for SEO, do it for your users!

ix. Why did my scores/performance alter when I changed screen resolution?

You likely have a responsive website design. When the screen resolution changes to a larger or smaller size, the layout and styling of the page besides changes. Depending on your styling, your folio could potentially be delivering larger/smaller images and hiding/revealing assets or resources. All of this impacts the load performance of your folio.

In addition, Every bit of October 12, 2017, GTmetrix now defaults to a screen resolution of 1366x768 for tests. You can read more virtually the change here.

GTmetrix FAQ

ane. Why won't GTmetrix clarify my URL?

Cheque to meet if your URL is in the proper format (eg. Some other reason may be that the URL you entered requires you to be logged in start, and/or it is being redirected to another URL.

Some URLs might not piece of work for any number of reasons. Here are some errors that might prevent your URL from being analyzed:

  • Invalid URL
  • Didn't return a 200/300 condition response
  • Didn't return an html page
  • Internal Server Error
  • Unable to become screen capture
  • Timed out
  • Didn't consummate due to pending request (image also big, unresponsive request, etc.)

If your URL won't analyze, read our General GTmetrix Errors blog commodity to learn more on why this may be the instance.

2. Why would I desire to monitor my URL and how can I do it?

Monitoring your URL allows y'all to keep track of performance over time and see any changes when they occur. Combined with our monitored alerts, you tin know when your website is performing poorly correct away, and take steps to right information technology.

In one case you've analyzed a URL, you'll arrive at its report page. Click on "Monitor" on the right hand side to open the menu where there's a dropdown that allows for different monitoring schedules. Choose your desired schedule and salvage your settings.

GTmetrix volition now monitor the specified URL.

Read our How to set up Monitoring and Alerts blog commodity to learn more.

iii. How many URLs tin can I monitor?

Basic/Free users can only monitor 1 URL Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Upgrading to GTmetrix PRO allows you lot to monitor more URLs down to an Hourly frequency.

iv. My PageSpeed Insights scores are different from my GTmetrix scores; Why is that?

To reply this question, we need to analyze the groundwork of each tool in general.

PageSpeed Insights and are Google's own tools that use Lighthouse in their ain ways. The key deviation is that PageSpeed Insights provides Chrome User Feel (CrUX) data - actual user information collected from Chrome browsers around the world to provide data on real user performance. (and GTmetrix) are considered more than lab/synthetic tests, where analysis is performed in controlled environments and scenarios.

With regards to results, there are various reasons why your Performance Score on either platform differs from GTmetrix. Read more nearly this hither.

5. How long does GTmetrix proceed my reports for?

All report history and information will be retained for a specified number of months depending on the program you're on:

  • Guest (non-logged in) users: 1 week
  • Basic: 3 months
  • Solo, Starter, Growth: 6 months
  • Champion, Team: 12 months
  • Enterprise: 24 months

The retentivity time starts from the report generation date. Afterwards the fourth dimension has elapsed, reports will be purged from our database and are not recoverable.

half dozen. Are there any privacy settings?

Yes - If y'all don't want anybody to meet a particular study for your URL, click on "Folio Settings" on the correct manus side. Under the "Privacy" heading y'all can choose whether or not to make the report private, or allow everyone to see it.

Keep in mind that though a private study is protected from public view, anybody can create a report for any URL. If you tin load the URL in your browser, you can analyze it in GTmetrix.

7. My graphs don't seem to be changing. Why?

A skillful reason could be that there haven't been major changes or optimizations washed to that URL. GTmetrix tracks the performance of URLs, but unless whatever evolution or improvements accept been washed, the graphs will continue a straight line.

Monitoring is practiced for developers who are doing ongoing testing or optimizations for their site and want to rail it over time.

8. What is the GTmetrix Bookmarklet and how practice I use it?

Examination with GTmetrix

The GTmetrix bookmarklet is a snippet of JavaScript tool that allows you to analyze the performance of the electric current folio with a single click.

Read more on our blog entry.

Annotation that regardless of the browser you visit GTmetrix with, GTmetrix e'er runs the tests with the Chrome browser.

9. How do I compare URLs?

After having generated a study for a URL, click "Compare" in the tiptop right. A menu will announced where yous can enter the URL yous wish to compare with the report. You will and so exist taken to the Compare screen with the comparing results.

If y'all would similar to compare more URLs, click the "Add another URL" push button - you are able to add upward to 4 different URLs.

Note: The report from which you clicked "Compare" will be the base study. All additional reports will exist compared against this study.

10. Can I compare an existing report with another report?

Aye! See instructions on how to compare GTmetrix Reports hither.

12. I accept a page that requires HTTP Hallmark. Can GTmetrix analyze it?

Yes! Log into your GTmetrix account and aggrandize the "Analysis Options" drawer.

Click "Avant-garde Options" to reveal the HTTP Authentication fields.

Enter in your .htpasswd Username and Password and click "Analyze". GTmetrix volition pass in the credentials and analyze the folio.

Y'all can also enter the username and password using the syntax, merely usernames or passwords containing @, :, or / must exist URI encoded.

The login details volition not exist displayed in the report (and will as well be stripped from the HAR file), simply will be saved for hereafter employ - you lot will be able to re-analyze the folio without entering the login details.

Notation: this feature only works for HTTP Authenticated webpages (eg, pages protected using an .htpasswd file) - this is unlike from a cookie based session (see the adjacent FAQ item for more than details).

13. How tin I analyze a page that requires a login?

Session cookies can be entered to allow GTmetrix to analyze pages which utilize cookies to store your login state. This will also work for sites that use cookies to save other user information like user preferences.

To do this, login to your GTmetrix business relationship, get to the "Assay Options" dropdown and enter the cookie session information, enter the associated URL and click "Analyze".

GTmetrix will analyze the page and send the supplied cookies with the request.

Cookie information should be entered equally follows (ane per line):

                  [cookie choice(southward)]                  [cookie(s)]                


[cookie option(due south)] = zero or more than cookie options (format: name=value [values should exist URL encoded]), separated with spaces.
Bachelor cookie options: host, path, secure, httponly, samesite. If no host or path is supplied, the cookie will default to using the analyzed URL's domain for host and / for path. For options without a value (i.e., toggle type), employ a value of "1".

[cookie(s)] = one or more cookies (format: proper noun=value) separated with semi-colons.


A single cookie:

Allow cookie to be used on sub-domains: secure=1 metrix_session=QadlvUk3h

More than one cookie (with the same options): secure=1 metrix_session=QadlvUk3h; username=gtmetrix

Aforementioned as the previous, but on multiple lines: secure=1 metrix_session=QadlvUk3h secure=i username=gtmetrix

Please use a test account. While cookie information is stripped from the report, information technology'southward however best to apply a test business relationship for security purposes. To avoid having to update the cookie information every time, nosotros recommend using a cookie from a permanent session.

For more data on testing with cookies, read our How to examination with Cookies blog article.

14. How can I get my session cookies?

Kickoff visit the site on your ain estimator. Log in, or exercise any you need to make the site generate the cookie(southward). If you wish to monitor this page, make certain you log in with a permanent session. Depending on your browser, exercise ane of the following to view the cookies:

Firefox users: Click the "Hamburger" menu button, and so "Preferences", "Privacy", then "remove private cookies".

Chrome users: Click the "Three Stacked Dots" menu push, and so "Settings", "Testify advanced settings...", "Content Settings...", then "All cookies and site data...".

Net Explorer users: Unfortunately, viewing cookies in IE can be difficult; we recommend downloading a program like IECookiesView to view cookies.

Using the cookie viewer's search filter, search for the domain of the site. Click on the cookies you wish GTmetrix to transport with the request. If you're not sure which ones, at that place's no impairment in sending them all. Using the format outlined in the previous question, enter the cookies into the GTmetrix Cookies pick text surface area.

For more than information on finding your cookies, read our How to test with Cookies blog article.

fifteen. How can I come across the impact ads have on my site?

Log into your GTmetrix account and under the URL field there will be an "Analysis Options" button.

Tick the "Adblock Plus" option. Your URL will be scanned with the ads blocked. You can also enable this option in the "Folio Settings" push button on the Report page sidebar.

Blocking ads is helpful if you lot want to see the impact the ads are having on your page load times.

Currently, GTmetrix only offers the ability to enable and disable the usage of Adblock Plus. The Easylist English filter subscription is used equally the default filter set.

For more data on testing with Adblock Plus, read our How to block ads in GTmetrix tests blog article.

16. How can I test a site from a different location?

GTmetrix has numerous exam servers located worldwide, which you are able to apply for testing your site's performance. You can specify which test server to apply by selecting a test server in the "Analysis Options" button, on the dashboard page.

Read our Which location should I test from? blog commodity to larn more.

17. How tin I test my mobile performance?

For PRO users, GTmetrix offers page assay through an actual Android device (Galaxy Nexus) and a multitude of fake devices. On your Dashboard, click "Analysis Options" and select ane of the various mobile devices and tablets in the in the Exam Format dropdown. If you wish to re-test from a Report page, click on "Page Settings" and change your Test Format settings there. Re-test!

Read our How to test with mobile devices using GTmetrix blog commodity to learn more.

xviii. What tin can connection throttling tell me?

By simulating a particular connection speed, you tin identify any potential loading issues for your target audiences. For example, if a large percentage of your users are coming through mobile devices, it would exist good to run into how your site performs under a 3G/2G connection to ensure a speedy load time for that user base.

19. How does GTmetrix throttle connections?

GTmetrix utilizes specially customized software to simulate any kind of connection. We practise this past putting limits on our fibre connexion's download speed, upload speed and latency. We throttle both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic when analyzing your folio to ensure that study data is accurate.

xx. Why isn't my CDN being recognized?

GTmetrix car-detects well-known and pop CDNs. Since there are hundreds (if not thousands) of CDN services available, there are times when a CDN is not recognized by GTmetrix. In this case, we usually require the CDN provider to reach out to united states for a CDN review so that nosotros tin add it to our auto-detection.

If GTmetrix isn't detecting your CDN, so yous tin add your own CDN hostnames and then that they aren't penalized by the CDN inspect. Visit your Business relationship page and then under the User Settings, input your CDN hostnames in the "CDN Hostnames" field. GTmetrix should then recognize these domains as CDNs in all your future tests.

Note that if you're using Cloudflare, GTmetrix should automatically detect the CDN usage if it'south set correctly and you've given it plenty time for the DNS to propagate (typically takes up to 2 days).

21. How do I use the Resource Usage Graph?

The Resource Usage Graph is meant to exist a companion to the Waterfall Chart. When used together, information technology can provide more insight on breaks in the Waterfall Nautical chart, long download times of elements and other potential bug.

It is not meant to be a stand-alone metric, and there is no "score" related to it; rather information technology gives a view of what the browser is going through while loading your website.

22. What does the CPU Usage Graph hateful?

This graph indicates the level of processing resources needed by the browser to render your page at whatever given indicate. Websites with complex layouts, high interactivity, and demanding extensions (east.g. Wink) are more than enervating on a computer, resulting in a higher CPU utilization. In addition, inefficiently written scripts (e.g. JavaScript) might cause stalls in folio loads. In that location might be cases where the CPU utilization is pegged at 100%, meaning the browser is trying its best to process a script - and in doing so, blocks other page elements from beingness loaded or rendered (look for gaps in the Waterfall Chart).

23. What does the Retentiveness Usage Graph mean?

Like to the CPU usage graph, the memory usage graph shows the corporeality of memory required by your browser to render the page. It also can be used to get a heads up on inefficient or buggy lawmaking (e.g. retention leaks) and tin can give you lot a starting point on where to look if your website is performing slowly.

24. What does the Bandwidth Usage Graph hateful?

This graph shows you how much information your site transfers when it is requested. Use it together with our throttling feature in order to better understand how your folio loads on slower connection speeds, similar 3G connection or DSL connection. If your site maxes out bandwidth on desired connections types, you may see long confined in your Waterfall Chart.

25. Why can't I see my Resource Usage Graphs?

At that place are a number of reasons why the Resources Usage Graph may exist unavailable to yous:

  • It is an quondam GTmetrix report (generated before the release of Resources Usage Graphs).
  • The browser option selected to exam the URL doesn't generate Resources Usage data (due east.g. Chrome - Android/mobile).
  • The page loaded as well quickly for whatsoever data to be collected (<100ms).

26. What is the difference between "duration" and "time"?

A "duration" is a period or how long something took (e.thousand. X candy for 3 seconds).

Durations: Redirect, Connect (including SSL Connexion Time), Backend, DOM Content Loaded, Folio Loaded

A "time" is the bespeak an effect occurred in relation to the first of the test (e.g. Ten occurred at 2.1 seconds).

Times: Time to first byte (TTFB), Starting time Paint, DOM Interactive, DOM Content Loaded, Page Loaded, Fully Loaded

Note that Page Loaded and DOM Content Loaded have both a time and duration. The duration is how long the JavaScript for that event ran for, while the time is when those events fired.

27. What is the divergence between Onload Time and Fully Loaded Time?

  • Onload Time - is when the processing of the page is complete and all the resources on the folio (images, CSS, etc.) accept finished downloading.

    • This used to be the signal where GTmetrix would cease the test and mark every bit the Page Load Time in the GTmetrix report.
    • Issues with using this result: Some elements of the folio load may non make it in before this event fires - like JavaScript based image carousels - causing inconsistent page load times and inaccurate screenshots.
    • When should I use Onload Time? In general, at that place'due south no real definitive case to prefer Onload Time (which is why we defaulted to Fully Loaded Time), though certain specialized cases might call for it.
  • Fully Loaded Time is the point after all of the following have occurred:

    • First wait for these conditions to be met:

      • Offset Contentful Paint has fired
      • Onload has fired
      • Network is idle (5.25s of 2 or fewer in-flying requests afterwards DOM Content Loaded has fired
    • Then wait for:

      • CPU is idle (v.25s of no long tasks)
      • Hard fourth dimension out of 30s afterwards Onload has fired
    • Finally, when the higher up conditions are met, nosotros then take the maximum timing of:

      • Start Paint
      • First Contentful Paint
      • Onload Time
      • Largest Contentful Pigment
      • Time to Interactive
      • Terminal request captured
    • Essentially, GTmetrix is at present waiting until your folio stops transferring data earlier completing a examination, resulting in more consistent Page Load Times.

    • Possible bug with using this event:

      • This issue fires only when a folio completely stops loading content, including ads and below-the-fold elements.
      • Fully Loaded Fourth dimension waits for a page to finish executing JavaScript (measured from First Contentful Paint (FCP) to the last long chore; besides known as Time to Interactive).

      Your site might take loaded fast in a higher place-the-fold and be usable, however since the analysis is at present waiting for the unabridged site to terminate loading data, your reported Page Load Time might exist longer.

28. How do I change the fourth dimension to finish examination?

You can change your time to stop test to Onload Fourth dimension by enabling the "Cease test onload" option in the Analysis Options (log in required) or changing the setting on an existing report in the Page Settings. You lot can also change your default in User Settings from the Business relationship page.

However, we do recommend sticking with using Fully Loaded Time unless you accept a specific apply case for it.

"Stop examination onload" option is only available for Firefox and Chrome (Android) tests, which generate Legacy Reports (i.eastward., PageSpeed/YSlow).

29. When I compare my Simulate Device page performance to the bodily device, why are they unlike?

Our Simulate Device feature works past telling our browser to identify itself as the selected device through the User Amanuensis cord. Nosotros then change the Screen Resolution and gear up the appropriate Device Pixel Ratio for the device to lucifer besides. We accept combinations of these options for many of the popular devices used today.

Hardware performance is non simulated however. The performance differences likely stem from the fact that GTmetrix uses server-grade hardware to launch a browser and load pages, which differs significantly from the actual device's hardware functioning (mobile CPUs, GPUs, memory, etc).

xxx. How accurate is the Simulate Device feature?

Simulate Device tin can give you a great thought of whether or not your site adheres to mobile recommendations and may aid optimization with layouts dependent on User Agent specific styling. Combined with Screen Resolution changes, you can really get a full general sense of your folio brandish and performance in terms of full page size.

Still, actual load time is less representative, due to the hardware caveat mentioned to a higher place, which is why you should still test your page on the bodily device in order to get real earth performance benchmarks. In addition, rendering engines on diverse devices may differ (eastward.g. if the user is using Firefox mobile as their main browser), resulting in different real earth performance.

Our Simulated Device characteristic gives you lot a good starting benchmark to gauge your performance with on these devices, but they should not be regarded as 1:one comparisons.

31. What happens to my report data later I downgrade?

Here's what will happen to monitored pages and their corresponding data:

  • If you lot currently take more monitored pages than alloted for in your new programme, GTmetrix will disable monitoring on a number of them to marshal with your new Monitored Slot limit.
  • All report history and data volition be retained for a specified number of months depending on the plan yous downgraded to:

    • Basic: 3 months
    • Solo, Starter, Growth: 6 months
    • Champion, Team: 12 months

The memory time starts from the report generation date. Afterward the fourth dimension has elapsed, reports will be purged from our database and are not recoverable.

Every bit a courtesy, we delay the purging of your report information for 2 weeks after you've downgraded so you can get things sorted.

GTmetrix Assay Errors

1. Network connectivity errors

In that location may exist a connectivity issue betwixt your server and the GTmetrix test server if y'all get errors similar "Read timeout", "Write failed", "Broken pipe" or "Connection reset by peer".

Yous can endeavour once again subsequently, or try testing from another one of our test locations (requires log in). If information technology fails from multiple locations, it usually means that it's a problem on your end and your users are experiencing similar issues. Contact your hosting provider to get the issue resolved.

two. Server status errors

GTmetrix only analyzes pages that return a successful HTTP status lawmaking. If you get this error, your folio has returned an error HTTP status code.

The near mutual reasons for this include:

  • Your web application generating the folio is incorrectly returning an error HTTP condition code, but is returning page content that does non indicate an mistake.
  • Your web application is blocking GTmetrix from accessing the folio. With WordPress, information technology could be due to plugins like Bad Behaviour or Wordfence. With e-commerce software, it'south common that the admission is blocked based on the IP.
  • You are using a reverse proxy (eg. CloudFlare) and information technology'southward blocking GTmetrix from accessing the page.

In all these cases, you'll need to fix or configure your spider web awarding to return a successful HTTP status code or permit GTmetrix admission to your page. Your web server'due south mistake log may provide insight into why it's returning an error.

3. SSL document errors

GTmetrix only analyzes HTTPS sites that have a valid, trusted SSL certificate (ie. not self-signed, non-expired, matching common name).

A common trouble with HTTPS sites is that the intermediate/chain certificates aren't installed correctly. If you don't take the intermediate certificates installed properly, some users (including GTmetrix) will go an SSL certificate error while viewing your page. For instructions on how to properly install your SSL certificate and to test your SSL certificate visit SSLShopper.

four. DNS errors

If GTmetrix has issues resolving your site'south domain, then you may have DNS configuration issues. You can get a report on your DNS configuration at intoDNS - be sure to expect into the items that are marked as red.

However, if your site has recently changed proper name servers or changed its DNS configuration (eg. moved servers), then the result might be that your DNS records have been buried. Depending on your configuration, this may take up to 24 hours (at most 48 hours) to propagate. Try re-testing your folio at a later fourth dimension.

5. Your folio took also long to load

The maximum time GTmetrix volition wait for a page to load (fourth dimension it takes for the window.onload event to fire) is 2 minutes.

The most common reasons for this error are:

  • An extremely slow loading folio or resources or lots of dull loading resources.
  • JavaScript that's preventing the window.onload outcome from firing.

For irksome loading pages or resources, testing from a closer test location (requires log in) may help speed things upward.

6. The URL did not appear to be an HTML page

GTmetrix only analyzes HTML pages. To ensure that your folio is an HTML page, GTmetrix checks the Content-Type header for text/html.

You lot also may go this error if the Content-Blazon header is missing or the value is empty. The problem is likely an consequence with the web application and not the web server.

7. JavaScript redirect or meta refresh

Unfortunately, GTmetrix currently does not handle pages that perform meta refreshes or employ JavaScript to redirect the page. However, y'all tin work around this event past visiting the page in your ain browser to observe the final redirected URL - this is the URL to apply with GTmetrix.

You also may erroneously get this message if your page opens a popup that evades the browser's popup blocker. Unfortunately, there is currently no set for this other than to ensure that your page does non open the popup (the Block URL option may also help work around this issue).

GTmetrix Payment & Billing

1. My credit carte du jour keeps getting declined, but it'due south worked for other purchases - Why?

There are many reasons why a transaction can be declined (even with a valid credit card). Some common reasons include:

  • Your credit card is declining online or international transactions (GTmetrix is located in Canada).
  • Your credit bill of fare has reached its credit limit.
  • The transaction triggered your credit card's anti-fraud system.

We realize it's a frustrating situation and repent for any inconvenience. Read on for more details on declined transactions.

ii. What can I exercise if my payment keeps getting declined?

Hither are a few things you can practice:

  • Re-enter your credit card number and security code.
  • Contact your credit card company to add GTmetrix equally an approved and legitimate charge.
  • Try a different credit card.

If your payment still keeps getting declined, contact usa and nosotros'll piece of work with you towards another solution.

3. I've been successfully subscribed with my menu for a while, but at present it's getting declined suddenly. Why?

This is hard to reply as the fault code response we get is quite vague. Sometimes credit card companies take a alter in security / fraud procedures or algorithms. Other times it's our payment gateway deciding to trigger an anti-fraud flag suddenly.

It's unfortunate in whatever case, merely we're set and willing to explore solutions with you to get things working once more.

4. What payment options does GTmetrix accept?

Nosotros accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Notice, Diners Society and JCB.

We can also accept Purchase Orders (PO), PayPal, Cheques and Banking concern Transfers, but these methods need to be processed manually and require a Champion program or higher on a yearly term. Contact u.s. to become this set up upwards.

five. I crave a PO / manual invoicing for my GTmetrix PRO subscription

We tin help y'all out! Permit our squad know using our contact class and we can fix things upward for y'all. Note that nosotros simply provide this service to users on Champion or higher plans on a yearly term.

half dozen. I'chiliad having trouble signing up for a PRO subscription!

We'll assistance you resolve your issue. Reach out to our squad using our contact form and nosotros'll piece of work towards a solution.

7. How do I update my Payment Details?

You can update your billing information past logging into your GTmetrix account and visiting your Account page.

On this page, you lot'll run into a box with the link "Update Billing Info":

Click that and you'll be taken to a grade to update all of your billing data.

To update Credit Card details, click on "Update" next to the Credit Card input fields.

8. How do I view my past invoices?

Y'all tin find all of your GTmetrix invoices by going to your Account page - and then on the right menu block, click on "Past Invoices"

A sidebar will slide out and reveal a dropdown selection of all available invoices:

Just select your desired invoice and click "Download Invoice" to get a PDF version.

9. How do I cancel my PRO subscription?

Sad to hear you lot didn't find GTmetrix PRO a practiced fit =(

You can cancel your subscription from the Account page by clicking on "Cancel Program"

Follow the instructions and upon counterfoil, you should receive an eastward-mail confirming your cancellation.


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