What Works Best to Stuff a Hole in a House

How to make full a hole in your wall

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Project overview

Understand which blazon of filler you need to fill the holes in your walls plus fill whatever size hole in just three easy steps.

How to fill a hole in your wall

Minor holes or cracks in your walls are common in any habitation. As it shifts and settles you may observe cracks appear but don't panic, it'southward completely normal. You tin fill a lot of hairline cracks and minor holes with pigment, only bigger ones need filler.

There are different types of filler and what you use depends on the depth of the hole and the surface it's on.

Different types of filler

When information technology comes to filler it's not a case of one size fits all. You need a specific filler for a specific task. There are a few different types, though, then it's important to find the right one.

Powder filler

Pulverisation filler is often for deeper cracks or holes. It's commonly cheaper than other fillers, and you mix information technology yourself. Considering of the depths it can fill up, it's versatile and can oftentimes exist used indoors or outdoors.

Ready-mixed filler

Ready-mixed fillers can exist used on a variety of dissimilar jobs and are often really like shooting fish in a barrel to apply. Unless it's a special filler for a big pigsty, ready-mixed fillers range in the depths they tin can make full with the max often existence about 20mm.


Flexible fillers permit for any motion in materials, so they're great for brick, rock and forest. They're long-lasting also but tin often simply fill relatively shallow holes or cracks.


Foam fillers expand once they're in the pigsty so are actually tough and won't shrink or crevice. They're useful for small-scale but deep holes that might exist awkward to fill with normal filler.


While many fillers are versatile and can be used indoors and out, exterior filler is, unsurprisingly, just suitable for outdoor projects. It'south specially formulated to be tough and can cope with water and changeable weather.

On top of these varieties you too take fast drying filler, fine filler which tin exist used in hairline cracks, and acrylic filler for gaps between plaster and forest.

How to fill hairline cracks in plaster

Hairline cracks in plaster can appear for a number of reasons. Subsidence is a main cause and is nothing to worry about, information technology'south just materials naturally settling.

Cracks can sometimes signal more serious damage. If you notice moist patches forth the crack or that your wall is sagging or bulging, phone call a specialist to inspect the damage.

About hairline cracks can be covered up easily.

  1. Use a flat edged tool to go into the scissure and scrape out loose materials.
  2. Use a filler especially made for hairline cracks and fill the gap.
  3. In one case the filler is dry out, sand information technology downward.
  4. Employ some other thin layer on top of the scissure and leave information technology to dry. Sand this downward too.
  5. Use a mist coat of pigment (watered down pigment) and this should blend in well with the rest of the wall, making the repair unnoticeable.

How to fill up deep holes in wall

For deep holes, y'all'll need a filler that works specifically for that depth equally many are surface fillers. Deep fillers are tougher than hairline fillers and designed to stop the problem worsening.

  1. Clean the pigsty making sure yous remove all loose materials. You can do this with the edge of a scraper or a fine brush.
  2. Use a flat edged filling tool to push the filler into the crack. Information technology should exist slightly overfilled to ensure information technology'south completely full.
  3. Smooth it with a wet knife.
  4. Check the instructions to see how long information technology takes to dry – this should typically exist around one or two hours.
  5. Once dry, sand it downward then it's smooth with the wall.
  6. If you're filling a peculiarly deep hole (more than 50mm deep) you'll have to employ the filler in layers. Always exist sure to wait for the first layer to dry earlier you utilise another.
  7. Apply a mist coat to help the repair blend in with your paint.

How to fill up holes in wood

Many fillers are multi-purpose and tin can be used for walls and wood alike then you don't take to purchase a specialist product.

Filling holes in woods is a similar process to filling other surfaces just if the pigsty goes completely through the wood (like if you've removed a door handle, for example), you need to exercise it slightly differently.

  1. Make full the hole ensuring it'due south raised above the surface. For a hole that goes all the way through, lay the wood on a apartment surface before you fill it. In one case you've filled it, prop the woods upwardly and check the fill to see if there's whatsoever gaps. If there is, top up the filler until it sits higher up the surface.
  2. Employ a wet knife to smoothen out the filler.
  3. Exit to dry.
  4. Sand down so the filler is now flush with the surface of the wood.
  5. You can now apply varnish or stain to your wood.

How to fill hairline cracks in ceilings

Ceilings are just as susceptible to movement as other areas of your home, and so yous might detect the occasional crack start to appear. Once more, this is likely nothing to worry about but if you observe damp patches or sagging, telephone call a professional person to audit the impairment.

When it comes to the blazon of filler, yous need to look for one that won't sag or a specialist ceiling filler.

  1. Cover your flooring and article of furniture with a dust sheet. The filler shouldn't drip but it's always better to be safe.
  2. Make sure the area around the crack is make clean and you've removed any loose bits from the crack.
  3. Fill up the crack so information technology'southward overfilled to make sure information technology's full.
  4. Use a wet knife to smoothen it down.
  5. Wait for information technology to dry.
  6. Lightly sand the surface and so the filler is at present flush with the ceiling.
  7. You volition now be able to add together a mist glaze so the repair will blend in with the rest of your ceiling.

It'southward actually as easy as that. One time the hole is filled, the filler will be just every bit tough every bit your wall is.


Source: https://www.ronseal.com/how-to-guides/how-to-fill-a-hole-in-your-wall/

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